Cheshill on Mission

33 Seneca Avenue, San Francisco

Cheshill on Mission is a 6-story Type IIIA residential project in the Excelsior district of San Francisco. L37 principals were hired by the family office owner to serve as it’s in-house development team. To this end, L37 lead a redesign/re-entitlement effort to change from a Type I to Type IIIA construction. Upon redesign, L37 led negotiations of the GMP contract and oversaw all permitting, planning compliance, construction, financing and stabilization assistance of the Project, which came in under budget for the owner.

With 61 residential units, ground floor retail, on-site affordable units, roof deck amenities, and completed in 2018, Cheshill on Mission was one of the first new large residential developments in the Excelsior neighborhood.

Architect: Forum Design (now Ankrom Moisan)

General Contractor: James E. Roberts-Obayashi


The LINE SF Hotel


770 Woolsey Street