
(Now named Windsor at Dogpatch)

2660 Third Street

Abaca is a six-story modified Type III residential project along the Third Street Muni Rail line in the vibrant Dogpatch neighborhood. Through collaborating with our neighbors and utilizing local favorites for our design team, L37 principals were able to successfully entitle and construct one of the first and largest new developments in Dogpatch.

Named by SF Chronicle as the #2 best San Francisco real estate development of the decade in the 2010s, Abaca houses 263 residential units, 1,840 square feet of ground floor retail space, a 145 parking space garage, on-site affordable units, and an award winning public park focused on the nautical and rope manufacturing history of the site. Abaca lead the way to Dogpatch’s recent emergence on the national stage as a hip, artist and craftsman focused neighborhood.

Architect: Fougeron Architecture, Studio O+A

General Contractor: Devcon Construction

Equity Partner: CalPERS


South San Francisco PUC Master Development


Mosso - 900 Folsom Street